
Blogs One Geek Follows... Via Symbaloo

I admit, although I am pretty organized in my life, my bookmark list has much to be desired. I use Diigo, I use chrome, and I have tried many others. I am still looking for the perfect tool to harness and collect resources to share with other teachers and students.

Several of my students and colleagues are extremely visual so I have started digging around in Symbaloo, a social media tool which I enjoy using for a variety of purposes. The main one is organization. I had a colleague ask about the list of blogs I regularly follow and instead of sharing the list with links I plugged in the tiles in Symbaloo and made them all green.  ( I am sure that will change when I group them differently later) but for now I can visually access this collection fast because in a sea of grids the green stands out. Plain and simple it is just easy to see. So I am sharing it here. The entire grid is too big so I have added a snapshot of a portion of it -- but feel free to click the link below  to access it and bookmark it if you'd like!

One Geeky Blogroll

Laura and I follow many of these same blogs and there are many others. Check some of them out~ I think you will like these amazing bloggers!

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