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Launchpad Edu

I just finished participating in a wonderful webinar from Launchpad Edu.  They brought together the creators of the apps and teachers implementing those apps in their classrooms.  To hear about the design and the actual implementation is powerful and has me thinking!  I can't wait to implement ideas like using Brainpop, Brainpop Jr., Brainpop ESL and Brainpop Spanish to differentiate for students! I think I will use the Brainpop daily video to begin the class thinking and asking "I Wonder" questions!  Motion Math Games can be quick opening challenges and introductions to daily lessons.  Toontastic creates writers in your classroom as students create these one of a kind animated movies.  It would be a great idea to create a Brainpop type explanation video in Toontastic!  The best part of these apps is that they are all tied to the common core standards and take the work out of flipping your classroom.  Understand the standard you are going to teach and then give you kids a menu of options to demonstrate mastery of that standard.  Using this list of apps is a great start!  Watch the webinar, it is short and worth your time as a teacher!  They have also launched a site that includes lesson plans and ways to implement this into common core!

Great Apps for the Classroom


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