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Youth Summit Students and Teachers Giving Feedback on Amache Exhibit Website

Laura Says: We got to work together today with some of our Youth Summit students from around the state and some cool museum buddies.  They came to give feedback on a site that they helped to brainstorm.  It is about the Amache Exhibit at the Colorado History Museum and replicates much of the experience you would have at the museum.  There were a few glitches that the kids found and they had some great ideas for additional material including ways to involve kids from around the state.  It is so important to provide ways for students to have buy in.  Everyone wins when we take the time to work together!  We will post more about these interactive opportunities and online gems!  
Michelle Says: It was a true gift to hear the wealth of knowledge come from these guys and the director of education at the museum and a couple of educators nudged them with some great questions.But it was the kids that caught my attention... from the comments about how one of the interactive games should operate, to the wording of the scrapbook and captions, they had a lot to say and it was all valid. (even more amazing was when a certain browser did not work and they effortlessly tried typical admin solutions like changing to other browsers and settings without asking. Windows/Mac  iPhone, iPad, they were all over each device without a blink. They are navigation whiz kids! ) Their feedback helped the staff of History Colorado understand how kids would walk through an online exhibit site. I think one of the best things was to see them relate the information in the online exhibit to their recent field study at Amache, and their school projects and summer time spent on Mindcraft and other games and websites. They had very determined ideas about the stories that should be told and what themes rose to the surface of the exhibit.