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Using Glogster as a PD Tool

We all know the brackets of time that teachers place themselves in... the before school 20 minutes, the after school several hours, the hour long professional development training, the lunch hour where eating is synonymous with grading, and the evening time after the family is in bed, the dogs, fed, and the late night has arrived. When does professional development happen in the course of a busy teachers day? That was our question when we launched the TIPS glogster for teachers.

We knew teachers wanted professional development that was meaningful and real, and that they could peruse when they had a few minutes. We also knew that each and every teacher has their own way of carving out a few minutes to explore how technology comes into their classroom. Hence the bi-weekly TIPS glogster.

Using Glogster (Glogster) we created a series of glogs that tie technology to other content areas and sometimes we just have fun with it too!

Take a look! Is there room for this type of professional development in your realm?

To access the series of glogs look here: