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Museum Box

Museum Box is my latest web 2.0 tool.  I am using it with 4th graders by asking them to demonstrate their learning by making a cube inside of a museum box.  The site functions like a shadow box that a museum would use to house all kinds of artifacts about a particular topic.  In this case, we divided the 4th grade classes into 3 Colorado Tribes; Arapaho, Cheyenne and Utes.  They were each responsible for one aspect of the tribe, hunting, stories, location, today etc.  There were a few glitches with saving but once I discovered that your should put everything in a folder and then upload it all at once and then press OK on the cube page and the floppy disk Save in the Museum Box toolbar things went smoother.  We even uploaded video from Discovery Education.  One geek tip for uploading video from Discovery is to right click on the movie strip for the chosen clip, save target as and then change the file extension to .avi or .mov before saving it.  It shouldn't work but it does!  Try it!  Go to the teacher page and make a school account at least 5 days before beginning and you will also find tutorials there!  Here is an example of one of our final boxes: Box Example